Outback Magazine Dining Feature
I was thrilled to be able to catch up with the OUTBACK Magazine editorial team while I was in Sydney this week – and very excited to get a sneak preview of a new special edition due to hit the shelves later in April. OUTBACK Dining features some of the nation’s best culinary finds, and I was commissioned to write the article on the multi-award winning Pipers of Penola. Mount Gambier photographer Jo Fincham took the awesome photos…
Stories go beyond the menu to find out about the passionate people who run these far-flung restaurants and cafes, and Coonawarra chef Simon Bowen has a great story to tell. He also loves fresh ingredients!
The article also features a fantastic recipe – local yabbies served with seared Parisian gnocchi, horseradish peas and basil foam…grab the mag and give it a go!
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